How to Tell if You Need Marriage Counseling

In a country where almost half of all marriages end in divorce, we could probably all use a little bit of assistance in our marriages. Unfortunately, many couples view marriage counseling as a last ditch effort for an already failed marriage, but it is so much more than that. Marriage counseling can help you work through not only your current issues, but your future issues as well. However, marriage counseling will do nothing for you if you never go. The following is a list of signs that you and your spouse need to consider marriage counseling:

  • You want your spouse to change- You can\’t change your spouse, you can only change yourself. Marriage counseling can help you to understand who you are and what you want, as well as who your spouse is and what they want.
  • You\’ve turned into roommates- Life is busy, and it is easy to fall into a pattern where you simply coexist with your spouse, rather than being an active part of your relationship.
  • Your sex life has changed- Both an increase and a decrease in the frequency of sex that you have are signs that something is off in your relationship.
  • You \”punish\” one another- A marriage is a team, and neither spouse is the \”parent\”. If you find yourself punishing one another, it could be a sign of a problem.
  • You take your anger out on everyone but your spouse- An unhappy marriage can lead to a lot of displaced anger. So, if you find yourself yelling at the bank teller or the cashier at the grocery store for no real reason, your relationship could need a little bit of extra help.