Techniques for Managing Stress from Your Therapist in Denver

Stress is a big part of all of our lives, and it is no wonder with how busy everyone always is.  Unfortunately, many people believe that stress is an inevitable part of life, and they just have to get used to it. The truth is, however, that stress is incredibly dangerous, and you need to know how to deal with it. That is why our therapist in Denver has come up with this list of techniques for managing your stress:

  1. Be in the moment- Rather than keeping your mind on everything that you have to do, take the time to be in the moment. Enjoy the breeze on your skin, the smell of your coffee, and all of the flavors your lunch. By focusing on your senses, you will start to feel your stress melt away.
  2. Breathe- When you feel your stress start to get out of hand, take a few moments to focus on your breathing. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth slowly. By breathing deeply and slowly, you can lower your blood pressure and your heart rate.
  3. Use your support system- Your friends and family are there for a reason. Sometimes the best way to decompress is with a night out on the town with one of your closest friends.
  4. Laugh- Watch your favorite sitcom or movie, or listen to your favorite comedian. A good belly laugh will boost your endorphins and lower your cortisol, which is the stress hormone in your body.
  5. Exercise- All exercise, including running and practicing yoga, will cause your brain to release chemicals that will make you feel good!