Two Minute Message: Acceptance

<p><iframe src=\”//\” height=\”315\” width=\”560\” allowfullscreen=\”\” frameborder=\”0\”></iframe></p>
<p><span style=\”font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px;\”>Much of the time we try to avoid feeling what we would call “negative emotions” — sadness, fear, anger, hurt — by trying to force it out of our minds or by letting it explode out of us. Not only does this hurt ourselves, it can also hurt the ones we love unnecessarily. This avoidance can stimulate <a href=\”/our-services/\” class=\”ui-editor-link-external\”>anxiety, depression</a> and can foster substance abuse, disordered eating and is just generally detrimental our health and wellbeing. In fact, research has shown this to be a major component of psychopathology (Hayes, Wilson, Gifford, Follette, &amp; Strosahl, 1996).</span></p>
<p>How do we deal with this, then, though? That leads us to the word of the day: <em>Acceptance –&nbsp;</em> but what is acceptance really?</p>
<p>Acceptance is an openness to seeing your true feelings and experiences in a way that is non-judgmental. That is, allowing them to be exactly what they are without forcing them to try to be something different. For example, right now I might be feeling anxious about recording this video. One of the first steps to me handling that anxiety is to acknowledge that it’s here and&nbsp;<em>why&nbsp;</em>&nbsp;I believe it’s here. In the process of trying to accept the anxiety, I notice that my hands are sweaty, my heart is racing and my breathing is slightly more rapid than normal. But they’re here and they are what they are.</p>
<p>Allowing yourself to accept how you’re feeling is the start to being able to communicate and manage your emotions more effectively. Take the chance right now and see if you can accept something about yourself that maybe you’ve been avoiding for a while.</p>
<p>By&nbsp;<a href=\”””\”>Alex Michaud</a>. Counseling Denver for a better life.&nbsp;</p>